Academic Stuff
Well this week was rather uneventful. After arriving to school from fall break on Tuesday we had a short week. Things in the house have been slow. I have an audit comming up, so I have been putting some time into straightening up our finances.
Lately I have been working on an idea for a research project. Earlier I posted a paper dealing with needing to standardize legal compensation between states. I plan to take this argument and extend it offering and testing a solution. My solution is to use the bond market as a predictor. The next step is to design and test a model dealing with projected interest rates from the bond market.
Friday I talked with Dr. Gardner, a Quantative Methods teacher about how to go about doing this. She was very helpful and gave me a list of websites to check out. After I research this I will be sure to update you with the list and some info on what I have found. My goal is to have the model expressed in terms of factors being a function of other factors by the end of next week. If this goes well it will double as a PLS 209 research project and a start to my Econ senior research paper.
I have been reading posts on law school discussion a lot lately. I am hoping to use winter break to get excited for the LSAT. Wish me luck.