Monday, October 03, 2005

Update On classes

Well now that all of my tests are over it is time to recap how things went.

I took my PLS 209 - Scopes and Methods test and it went.... about as well as I could have hoped. People say this is the hardest PLS class and they are correct. You really have to know the material to do well on Dr. Aspin's exams. I think I did fairly well, but I certainly did not kill the exam. Hopefully a low A, with a possibility for a high A. I would not be suprised if I got a B/B+, however I would be disappointed.

In ECO 332- Intermediate Microeconomic theory, the exam was challenging. I feel like I studied the appropriate material (though there was one question where I had no idea what "section" it was asking about. I do not think I did well enough to earn an A (especially after talking to a few other students). I feel like I understand the major concepts well, but I certainly would not deserve an A in this class, which is why I will not get one. I predict low B. This is the first time I have taken a test where there was an honest chance I got a C.

In BMA 342 - Business Law, I really really miscalculated. I guessed that I could walk into the test cold and score well. I didn't. I got all of the basic concepts correct, however on one essay question I possibly got a 0, I know I missed several multiple choice, and a poorly worded free response question will probebally cost me four points. Here's the offending question: " List two types of treaties and give examples." My answer: Extradidtion, the US Italian extradition treaty and Trade agreements, NAFTA. This is a true answer. You would think a lawyer would be more precise in his wording of questions. Since it was in an "explain the difference" section you would think he might have asked "explain the difference between unilaterial and multilateral" or something similar. Oh well, such is life.

I'll report back when I have scores.


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