Wednesday, September 07, 2005

QM, Econ, and Junk

Well heres a brilliant thought from economics today:

The demand curve can slope up. Thats right readers, today we spent 75 minutes talking about something that has (maybe) happened once in human existance. We do not even know if it happened then. Now I'm all for theory and full understanding, but at some point it becomes more usefull for us to just talk to the prof about his research doesn't it? Heres my thought on the subject. We are good at making things. We get better at making things every year. The only extent to which inferior goods are consumed more is when a better good makes a previously normal good inferior (think Play Station 1).

On to QM. All I'm going to say is that if you really cannot understand what a standard distribution is, you have no chance at ever grasping a null hypothesis and thats about it for you and statistics. I HATE this class. I have never once learned anything about statistics (though I did learn some freak things DMB is the messiah).

Oh a positive note, today I have a Greek Week meeting where we will decide which things that people have asked us to make mandatory (in order to get attendence they wouldn't otherwise have) are important enough to force students to go to.

I'll let you know how it goes.


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