Monday, September 05, 2005

Research and Rumors

Well the last few days have been interesting to say the least. I have a partner to help me plan Greek Week again (so that is solid), and classes are in full force. For the frat guy part of this entry I'm just going to say that I have mixed feelings about rush thus far. On the plus side, I am excited that all of the guys we were really interested in came back. On the flip side, not many of the guys we were just sort of hoping to "pick up" along the way came back. In other words we still have all the guys we want comming back, but there aren't a lot of "others" in our rush class.

On another, mixed note, at IFC today somebody stood up and said: "All the rumors you have been hearing, at least the ons I have been hearing are false," then sat down. Let me make a suggestion to people that may be in this position in the future: If you are going to say a claim is false and lots of people have heard the rumors, then offer up the true explination. After this was said and the house president sat down there was one thing going through my, and every person I talkd to about the comments head: So the police reports and newspaper article are false...... what is the truth? Without an alternative explination its human nature to revert back to the claim that has been supported by two reliable sources.

As for the "research" part of this entry, today we talked more about Social Science research in PLS 209. The discussion was certainly interesting, especialy the talk about literature review. I wish I would have gone through this discussion a semester earlier because it would make the research for the paper I wrote much easier. MAJOR PLUS: Bradley have free access to LexisNexus for students. Awsome.


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