Well first of all let me appologize for being away for such a long time. A lot of things have changed and I guess its time that I update you on the goings on in my life.
First and foremost, The second round of exams was almost identical to the first.
Quantative Methods: Exactly the same but with an extra credit portion, instead of a 100% I eneded up with a 104%.
Economics: Another tough but good exam from Dr. Scott, I definately didn't have the highest score but I still turned in a high A, which I am more than happy with.
Political Science: A solid A. A tough test.
Business Law: Another B+, man I cannot figure out this man's tests for the life of me.
Business Management: A solid A (like a 94ish).
Leadership has only has 1 exam, I earned a low A. Also, we are in the middle of reworking this class from the bottom up, talk about a stressful time.
Overall I am very pleased with this result. I am well positioned to have a good chance at an 18 hour 4.0 come finals time.... at the very least there is a solid shot at 5 A's and a B. (Crosses fingers).
Next, in the beginning of December both Pi Kapp and IFC had their elections. For Pi Kapp I was elected President, a position that is both exciting and depressing at the same time. I was elected the President of IFC as well. While I know that we must begin so VERY unpopular changes, I am excited about the possibility of being able to create meaningful change for the entire Greek Community.
Finals just finished up and I am not yet certain how I performed.
Quantative Methods: This exam did not seem too tough, I feel like I probebally got a high A, I feel like I certainly got the C+ that I needed for an A in the class.
Business Law: Ok, this class was tough. I thought it would be a roll over, but in the end it ended up VERY challenging. I did not think I did well on the final ( a lot of multiple choice I didn't have a good idea about), however I needed a low B for an A thanks to some extra credit case briefings and I feel like I probebally did well enough to get the grade I needed.
Leadership: The exam was fun. I had an honest to goodness fun time writting this take home exam and took time to take shots at any and everything I could think of. I think I did well on this test and had fun doing it. I am fairly certain I got an A on this exam and in the class.
Economics: Good exam, a challenging mix of old and new questions. The throw away policy is going to help me, but I needed a 72 for an A on this exam and I feel like I probebally earned at least that. My gut says low A (perhaps 92?). I feel generally confident. On a side note for econ majors, I was asked to relate marginal cost to productivity of labor. I ended up using guess and check to find the formula, but written in a different order..... hopefully that will count.
Business management: This one I am not certain about. I did not need an all word score, this is one of two classes that could hurt my straight A bid. My guy says I probebally did just barely enough for an A, but I am not certain and as a result I am nervous.
Political Science: This exam was a trainwreck from the beginning. I studied exactly the wrong information. Note to future political science majors: you can do well on the final if you ONLY know partials. I thought partials woudl be a minor part of the exam and only glanced at them. BIG MISTAKE. hopefully I earned just enough points for a rounded B+ which SHOULD give me an A in the class..... I need luck and lots of it to do well here. I really hope I did not stick myself by not emailing a homework assignment. If I had to pick one class that would ruin my bid for a 4.0 it would definately be this one.
Thats all for now, content should increase over winter break, also, I am looking for a new site, anybody with any suggestions feel free to make them.