Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Waiting and Working

I had hoped that by now I could post that I received the admissions phone interview from Harvard law school and that it went very well. Unfortunately, this is not the case. I have yet to received "the call" from Toby Stock and since I listed work today as a bad time to call, I will apparently have to wait untill AT LEAST tomorrow and probebally longer to hear from Mr. Stock.

I hope things go well. I have talked to others that received the call and they have all said that it basically consists of going over your resume and better explaining the things that you have done. I hope this call goes well, I really want to attend Harvard (my and half of the world).

Additionally, I have a project due Friday on US policy towards weapons of mass destruction. I am currently researching the hippie peacenick solution on no weapons for anybody for me group...... ya, good luck.


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