Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Supreme Court

Well I just finished William Rehnquist's book "The Supreme Court" and let me first say it was a solid read. I have never been one for court history, and I tended to not pay that much attention to the case names, but the book was none the less a good read. His critique of the various courts is interesting enough, but once he begins his discussion of the Steel Seizure cases the book really takes off. His first had story telling is second to none and the book offers a great insight into how the court actually works from the person most qualified to talk about it. While I would have liked to see him critique HIS court, I understand and respect his reasons for not doing so.

On a sad note, I am out of books to read! I have some research articles on the agency problem in law to read for the essay I am working on, but come money I will be clean out of reading materials.


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