Finally Deciding
So after some massive help from an LSD poster (thanks a lot dude), I have decided to focus my personal statement editing on my story from work. I will spend the trip working and reworking the story and hope to get back with a semi polished version suitable for law school applications.
In addition, I will continue to work on my Statement of Purpose as I have noticed that several of the schools I am applying to require them.
The good news is I can move past blank page syndrome, the bad news is that I now have LOTS of editing to do and a story to completely rework. I am hoping for the best, who knows.
My application package currently looks like this:
1. Old applications complete, will only need to copy information across to new applications.
2. LORs in the writers hands, waiting for them to be completed and submitted.
3. Diversity statement is writen, needs to be edited for space and grammar.
4. Personal statement, have a topic, need to rework it.
5. Why Penn is complete, needs to be edited slightly.
6. Statement of purpose needs to be lengthened and polished.
Basically everything is started and nothing is completed.
Additionally, I met a Fordham 0L on the dice table in Vegas. She seemed nice and will be starting this fall. I have noticed that my ears perk up at mention of the words "law school," "LSAT," or any similar or related words. I can't decide if this is normal or not.
On a more humorous note, did you know Las Vegas is second in the number of call girls employed on a given night. The only city that beats is: an unsuprising Washington, D.C.
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