Monday, July 17, 2006

An Open Letter to Sports Law and Sports Management Students

Get ready to work for the PGA, NCAA, or a college's compliance office. You will not be an agent. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but seriously, letting people say "I'm going to be a Major League Baseball Agent" and acting like this will happen is the law school equivelent of letting a college student go "I'm going to be president."

Unless you have a relative that owns or is a high ranking member of an agency or a relative/close family friend that is a pro athlete, you have no chance. Get over it now. Its not going to happen. Call me negative if you want, but seriously, I'm right, we will meet again in 10 years, I'll buy you a drink and you call tell me about the anti trust issues related to the NCAA's latest regulation of players lives and schools mascots.

File this goal right next to win to lotto and move on.

End Rant.


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