Saturday, July 08, 2006

This could help....

So today I was reading on a messege board that I post on very frequently and I saw an email from LSAC posted that says applications will be placed online at the very beginning of August. This is VERY good news for a variety of reasons. First, this means that I can have my applications complete/close to complete before I head off to Bradley and thus I will not be given the opportunity to "put off" completing my applications. This way, (assuming I complete my personal statement while in Texas) the only things I really have to wait for are my letters of recommendation to be submitted to LSAC and for September 15 (the latest date I have seen that schools start accepting applicants and thus the day I plan to send my applications off in mass) to come. This lull combined with the OCD I will be experiencing this close to application time will hopefully convince me to fine tune my essay (along with any why X essays) and I should be set for the application cycle.

So far I for sure need the following statemetns:
1. A generic personal statement
2. A diversity statement
3. A "statement of purpose" (this may overlap with 1)
4. Why Michigan
5. Why Penn
6. A Yale 250*

*Not certain about Yale at this point. The odds of application are so slim that it seems it might be worth me holding onto my $. That said, it is Yale we are talking about and I probebally should apply. My Yale 250 will probebally be a shortened version of my normal personal statement.


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