Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A hurdle jumped?

So today I got some more things done in the sage that is law school admissions.

As I mentioned before, I have been searching for another academic to write another letter. I had set up a meeting to ask (read: beg) a professor to write me a letter and today I finalized the packet that will be passed out. Outside of correcting one typo on one professor's cover sheet, all I have to do is compile the binders.

This may not seem like a lot of progress from what I have reported earlier however I had an added document to create: a law school statement of purpose. I essentially had to boil down my intents (which I am not yet certain of) into a page that is stated in the affirmative. I completed this and may upload it later if I am so inclined. I was led to do this by three factors:
1. The Ivey guide says good writers will demand them
2. A LOR writer that will not be in town this weekend asked for one. I plan to drop off a packet for her and it makes sense to include everythign she asked for.
3. It seemed like if I am searching for another academic writer, I should make my file academic friendly.

I will be putting the packets together tonight. I hope that my writers all agree to write and that they all get the letters in fairly quickly (though I would understand if the academics do not since summer is the time for conferences).


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