Monday, July 10, 2006

LOR Update

So this is my least favorite part of Letter of Recommendation searching: finding professors that are willing to write, asking them to write, and then hoping for them to get the letter in on time.

I spent a lot of time this week trying to think about what professor I thought could write a successful letter and came up with two names. I contacted the one I felt was a better option and set up a meeting for Friday. I am hoping that he will be willing to write me a letter. If he is, I have dodged a major bullet. If he says no, its back to the drawing/begging board. I believe my second academic writer will finish the letter in a timely fashion, however this letter worries me. I am hoping that by contacting him over the summer I increase the liklyhood of success.

I will keep you posted.

But together the cover and topics sheet for my origional academic letter writer.

I also talked to my boss about writing targeted letters and he said that would not be a problem.

If this professor agrees I will have my letters taken care of and will be left with no choice but to work on my personal statement.

Wish me luck!


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