Saturday, November 18, 2006


Oh the online Grapevine. I wake up this morning thinking I will have a weekend without having to think about law school things and I stop in to check LSN for the day (because its more addictive than crack) and I notice that somebody is claiming to have gone to "decision" today (Saturday). I I do a quick check of my status checker and sure enough, I have gone to decision. Now I am wondering what the decision is and when it was coming. So much for a weekend without law school thoughts.

The great thing about on-line messege boards featuring students applying to many of the same schools that I am is the ease with which we can share information. Had I need been posting on the boards, I definately would not have checked my status checker today. Moreover, had I not been actively reading the board I would not have been checking my status checker compulsively at all since I would not have known that decisions started going out this week. I love the fact that the board lets me know what to expect and takes out some of the randomness from the law school application process. I also like that it lets me know what is normal and what is unique. For example, the note on my acceptance letter from GULC would have seemed like a big thing to me, except I knew from people online that they do this for everybody.

Additionally, football has always provided me with a weekend releif from all things law school. I wake up and do some quick channel surfing and what is the first football game I find? Yale v. Harvard. No releif there, the only reason these two schools are on my radar are because they have excellent law schools. Great.

So much for a relaxing weekend.


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