Sunday, July 17, 2005

Princeton Prep

Well I took the "proctored" Princeton Review test today and was VERY disappointed. First of all the proctor didn't know what she was doing and definately mistimed the first section (I had an extra twenty-thirty seconds whic let me at least READ two games questions enough to narrow the choices down when I should have been out of time on both.

Anyways, here is what I found odd. I had never seen the games, but it didn't have a linear section, it had TWO grouping games (one with grouping and classifying between two choices), then two random games (like, the type that there isn't really a type for). How is that parenthetical comment for a contradiction? Tough games section. Anyways, the next section was RC and it had the passage with the Dawes act in it..... I am certain I have read it before. That section was not tough. Then came a logic reasoning section, I am not good at judging their difficulty. The section seemed normal but a few of the questions were done a little differently than a normal lsat. Then was another reading section, this one i had not seen and it was drastically harder. Then another logic section similar to the first. I do not think I did well. I would estimate my score at about 160. Weak. That said, I do not think this was a real LSAT. It it possible they made their own test and threw in a real rc for the experimental? Thats what it seemed like.

I'll let you know in a few weeks when my score comes in.

Thats all I have for now.


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