Ok, so before I update my law school application process, I ran across a website that I feel obligated to share:
http://www.dogbitelaw.com/PAGES/meet_kmp.htmNow clearly this man is very good at what he does and I know that we live in the age of specialization, but come on, bodily injury was too hard, he has to focus on just dog bite law? This is so overspecialized, its almost comical. After reading about this guy I have decided that I am going to specialize in insurance law and only take on cases involving a tree falling into a neighbor's yard but not damaging any property.
Come on people, this is silly.
Additionally, the current list of submitted applications looks like this:
Washington University (sent, though they haven't received it)
University of Chicago
Harvard (send only after some serious prodding)
After my why Michigan essay gets proofread I will be sending that out as well.
I still need to work on the Duke essay and Sunday will mark the beginning of the second waive of applications.