Monday, July 18, 2005

Econ and things

Well I think I am almost finished with the rough draft of my second econ essay. Now I need to touch it up and it could be ready to send. When I get a final draft I will, of course, post it for all of you to get bored by. It is about 15 pages long and there is a HUGE shift in tone from when I started to finished which basically goes something like this: Lawyers are greedy so you have to watch how you pay them, the agency problem makes this difficult, lawyers are not bad people and when they get attacked it is by people not willing to step up and solve the problem.

As you can see, not the most "even" of essays. Hopefully it will work for an A. I still need a topic for my third paper, any suggestions would be much appreciated. I like writing about things related to the law, but I would have no problem with a Macro topic. I think my last paper will probebally serve as a micro research paper if I need one at any point in time (I be lazy).

Tennis today, that could be interesting.

At some point this summer I really need to finish up Greek Week stuff.... probebally after I am done with my summer school classes.

Speaking of my summer school classes, I really need to take the third exam in my telecourse.



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