Tuesday, July 19, 2005

So many words

When I was little I never understood the power of arranging words together. I would write simple sentences, just enough that the person reading what I wrote understood what I was saying. I would read simple books that told stories but without vibrant imagery or "creative" sentences.

As I got older I started to do the opposite. I would write complicated sentences with lots of commas (often in the wrong spots) and attempt to write in the same manner that I talked. I would read books written in a prose too dense for me to understand. I thought I was an "intellectual" because I had attempted to read some complex non-fiction. Now I have finally found that middle ground. I write in the tone that I need to. I am not an excellent writer but I enjoy putting pen to paper (actually fingers to keyboard) and creating a new document. I am not a creative writer, I write about research or attempt to construct arguments. My grammar still has not grown into my writing, however I no longer try to use complex language just for the sake of using it. I read non-fiction books that catch my eye, but not things that are over my head. I read for enjoyment and learning and not to call myself an intellectual.

Funny things these words are. We think they give us power, and they do, but only when used correctly. I was reading resumes at work today and found it funny when somebody, in the middle of a resume about 20 years experience as an office aid said "I hope you are cognizant of my prior experience." I was even more entertained when she later used the word " intrepid" completely incorrectly.

Anyways, just felt like sharing my random thoughts with you.

Almost done with "The Gatekeepers," so a report is sure to follow quickly. I have purchased a few others books as well. My goal is to finish the gatekeepers and three more books before the end of summer. Also, with any luck I will finish all my schoolwork.

Later all.


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