Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Over..... I Hope

Well yesterday was the LSAT.

In my dreams, I would be sitting here typing how I did awsome and killed the test and how everything was glorious and I would now be applying to the T14 only because I killed the test.

Sadly, we live in the world of reality where, though I felt good about the exam when I took it, I appear to have selected every one of the debated second best answers to put my actual score somehwere around -10 for JUST LR. At this point, a 166 would be considered a success but I am praying for more. We will see I guess.

Anyway, everything was about how I thought it would be. I started off slow but the second section was experimental and after the break I felt on the ball. I hope I didn't screw up too hard in the first (26 question) LR section, but it appears that I did.

I tried to read through the forums about RC, but I just cant follow what they are saying, I will have to wait and see.

One other thought though: don't these internet forums defeat the validity of the score? If people can just cancel because it turns out they have a lot wrong, doesn't that mean the test is VERY flawed? Curious to hear thoughts.

Anyway, back to real life, hopefully things will go well. Type at you soon!


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