Classes started today, here are my impressions so far:
My EHS class could go either way. The students seemed like they could be a good time, hopefully we will let them have some fun. I heard a great line from a freshmen guy today. When asked what he wanted to be in five years he said: "A father." All the girls couldn't help but go "awww."
PLS 302 should be interesting with a though grading scale. A 10-15 page paper, a group project, and two tests = a hard class. Throw in the fact that this is Aspin and the other students are all very solid/inteligent people and this could be my most (or at least one of my most) competitive classes. At least the topic should be interesting.
ELH: Easy......
I will update you on the others later in the week!
Also, with law school applications coming up soon I will be checkin in about those often. Good luck to everybody applying in this cycle!
Update: I talked to the professor writing my main academic LOR and she said that she knew about it, would do it, and was going to complete it right at the end of the month.
Thanks so much to her!
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