Monday, August 28, 2006

Disappointments and Karma

This week hasn't been the most exciting. It has been extremely busy but it hasn't been very exciting. It also hasn't been the most uplifting. I was talking to a friend from home about this very thing today and he said: man, if karma isn't your friend this week, you better hold of on law school appliations.

Obviously this is a comment made in jest but he has a fair point. Things haven't been falling my way recently and with law school (the most important results I have had in my life to date) on the horizon it seems to make sense to wait for karma to be on my side.

Does anybody have any karma suggestions? How do I put myselves back on the good sides of the fates just in time for decisions (hopefully postive) to arrive?

Obviously this is in jest, but I wasn't home much this weekend and I've had a crazy week, plus, it is something worth thinking about.

Please leave any suggestions for improving karma!


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