Thursday, August 03, 2006

Dont say that

Ok, so there is one sentence about law school admissions that bugs me above all others: he/she doesn't deserve to get in. This sentence has a slightly less but still very annoying counsin that goes something like "I deserved to get in but didn't because of X criteria for admission."

Look, adcomms look for what they look for. Don't rant about how the LSAT or you college GPA shouldn't count. They do. You know this when you apply. Get over it and get over yourself.

Here are some common claims along with my thoughts:

Why should one test count for more than four years of academic performance?: Oh I don't know, mabye because its the only tool available to fairly match one person against another. This comment usually comes from somebody with a 3.9 from a XY state. The LSAT is the only part of the process where everybody is given the same/a very similar shot. GPA's are easily played with. Inflation is different between schools and majors have a huge impact on what your final GPA is. The LSAT is the only element where everybody is competing on the same or a similar test. Get over it. If you dont do well, study harder. Now, if you were working for two years and are complaining because the LSAT overshadows your WE, that I feel for, but to complain because the LSAT is weighed more than GPA.... no. Stop talking.

My GPA is old, it shouldn't matter:
It does, mabye you should have done better in college. Remember, law school is still school. This is the only indication of how you perform in an academic setting

My GPA was bad, but I got a 4.0 for my MBA:
Grad school grades are a joke. Accept it. They are really really inflated.

I should be URM because I am (Jewish, Asian, etc.):
You are over represented as it is. In my opinion, if we are going to stick with the idea of AA balancing things you, you should be put at a DISADVANTAGE, not an advantage. Stop looking for a handout. If you really did struggle because of this factor, congrats, you have the perfect personal statement topic.

I have work experience:
This is great, and it definately will help you get into law school, but when people claim that their work experience is so good that both their LSAT and GPA shouldn't matter.... well..... I don't buy that. There are lots of candidates with good work experience, you shouldn't expect this to be the ONLY factor that gets you in.

My awsome EC's didn't help:
Mabye they wheren't as awsome as you thought. There are tons of student body and fraternity presidents applying to law school and lots of people do community service things.


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