Sunday, June 26, 2005

Thoughts on Waiting

Bofore I start todays article I want to send a shout out to a good friend of mine from home. His name is Mike and he is one of the smartest people I know. He too has decided to do a blog discussion his journey to med school. If you are at all interested at medical school, or just want another perspective on life in general (especially the life of a Duke student), take a look at his site! I have no doubt it will be filled will all sorta of interesting stories and good med school info.
So today I was searching around on the internet for one simple reason. To watch people freak out about the LSAT. You have no idea how much fun this is (mainly because it will be me in February). The thing I find most entertaining is the quantity of predictions about when the scores will come out and people searching for any little factor that would lead them to believe their score will be out early. I will certainly be one of these people. I bet I will be even more nervous about receiving acceptences\rejections. This whole process really should be sponsored by Tums.

Anyway, watching people struggle to wait made me realize something: I spent the first half of college worried about law school, and will probebally spend the second half doing the exact same thing. That isn't good. When I am not thinking about fraternity stuff my thoughts always turn to law school. I can only imagine I will look back some day and say "wow stupid you really wasted that time." Oh well, thats my nature. Mabye I'm OCD... or just dedicated. Anyway, waiting sucks because it keeps us from enjoying what is going on now.

I plan to take a practice LSAT tomorrow, so I will probebally have an undate on that. In the mean time it is back to watching people freak out about gettign their real LSAT scores back (insert evil laugh here).

On a side thought, I am trying to coordinate the all Greek Philanthropy this year. Thats what I get for running for IFC cabinet. I never realized how hard it is to get a community service gig in a college town! Literally nobody wants free help!


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