Wednesday, June 21, 2006

To resume or not to resume, that is the question

I like many law school applicants have done a variety of things during my undergrad and feel that many of them are meaninful. I have attempted to get involved in as wide a variety of ativities as possible and consider myself successful in most of them. WHile I have done these activities only for the purpose of bettering the organizations that I have become involved with, I am now faced with the issue of assessing which of my activities are and are not important.

I have begun putting together a final draft of my resume and it is much harder than I thought. Career services suggested a 2 page resume but this seems to contradict what I was taught (your life on a page). My plan is to make a one and two page version and then see how much I loose. The following are activities that I am unsure about the importance of:

Taught freshmen introducation class
Facilitated summer leadership camp
Speaking engagements
Contributing research (cited at conference) for a professional presentation by a PhD professor
Advisorary committe to the provost
Budget review committee
various honors societies (Phi Kappa Phi, Order of Omega, etc.)

I will post a like to my online resume when I finish it. In the mean time I still sit and wait for LSAT scores and am still facilitating camp. It is halfway done and so far so good however today will be the most trying time!


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